
At the BCM discipleship occurs through weekly small groups, corporate worship, and one-on-one time with students.

Small Groups

At the North Georgia BCM, our small groups often referred to a Hawksneasts. In small groups, we dive into the word each week, making new friends, and participating in fun activities. Hawksnests at all different times during the week so that they cater to your schedule.


We always say around the BCM… “BCM is not a church. BCM is a ministry whose goal is to get students plugged into local church bodies.


For many, being a part of the North Georgia BCM was a time when they first learned to follow Jesus, grew spiritually, developed life-long friendships, and made great memories. Our BCM Alumni are our biggest supporters, are and always will be family.

BCM Intramurals

Our students at North Georgia BCM have a rich community in participating in on campus intramural sports. Often having three to four teams at a time, creating daily fellowship with each other.